Friday, December 9, 2011

Favorite Soup

So recently, my love for anything Japanese has increased, though don't get me wrong, I've always loved Japan since I was young. -- My mom having been cared for by a Japanese woman while she was young, and my dad's interest in Japanese botanical gardens, and his decision to learn the language (!). And also my sister-in-law having Japanese roots (have I said the word enough yet? xD) as well as my beloved boyfriend.

Anyway! One of my most favorite soups, is Japanese styled Corn Potage or Corn Soup(コーンポタジ or コーンスープ )I'm not very good with cooking, and so I've been having powder-packet versions. Why am I sharing this? Well, I have a very limited knowledge of kanji (and hiragana HAHAHAHA -stuck with reading katakana-) and so I spent quite a while translating the instructions and wish to share the .. well the "jist" of it I suppose. I'm aware that I wont be 100% accurate (probably not even 50% but good enough!)

Okay, this is Hokkai Yamato's Sapporo Soup Factory Corn Soup (札幌スープファクトリーコーンスープ) There are different types of soups available from this brand, I also have a pumpkin soup that I have yet to try. And! My new favorite bowl (I love ♥♥♥ dishware LOL)
  • Instructions: (1 serving)
    • Empty contents of 1 packet into a coffee cup or mug cup.
    • Add 150mL (2/3 cup) of boiling water, immediately stir for 15 seconds. (adjust amount of water to your preference)
    • Please take caution as it will be hot (uh yeah boiling water.. right) and then some other stuff I coudln't figure out hahahaha.
So, pretty easy, just add water basically -- sorry I couldn't figure out the rest, this is what it says though if you're curious:
  • 1袋の中身のをカップに入れます。
  • 熱湯150mlを注ぎ、すぐに15秒ほどかきませてくださ。(熱湯を量はお好みにより調節してください。)
  • お湯を注いでから約1分で出来上がりです。 (150mlのめやすはマグカップ約6分目、コーヒーカップ約8分目です。)
I know I know "wtf, she can type out all the kanji and hiragana/katakana but can't read/understand it?" Yep! That's exactly it hahaha, I learned how to find kanji quickly in a dictionary so I'm able to type it out, but even if I'm able to translate each word, I still struggle to comprehend completely as I'm not well versed in Japanese.
Example: 「すぐに15秒ほどかきませてくださ。」
  • I stupidly read it as "immediately after 15 seconds, please stir" and was quite perplexed as to why I would have to wait before stirring despite the obvious particle explaining (lolol i'm stupid shuttup) so I asked my boyfriend, only for him to laugh and tell me it's "please stir for 15 seconds after (pouring the hot water)". Sigh.. lol (his kanji isn't that great either so yeah...)
OKok.. I know I've written too much about something that isn't related to the soup really LOl. I really liked it, though the soup was quite thin, and not thick like in the picture but the taste was quite good so that's totally fine with me ♥♥

I've found a few recipes for this, and hopefully I will be able to make it well enough soon so I can also share my experience and impress some family&friends ;)

♥♥ Ellie

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